Brian Lodge

Director of Plastics and Flexible Packaging



Brian joined the BPF in November 2022 as Director of Plastics and Flexible packaging and also runs a consultancy on sustainable plastic packaging. He has a degree in Industrial Design, an Institute of Packaging diploma in Packaging Technology and over forty years of experience working on the development of plastic packaging.

Having spent his career in various roles within the industry, mainly in design, new product development, and management, he has accumulated a wide range of knowledge related to plastic packaging as well as experience within the UK, mainland Europe, Egypt, and South Africa. As he has worked for several converters, design consultancy and brand owners, his experience encompasses many different aspects of the industry so he can take a wider perspective of the issues involved.

More recently Brian has been involved with many industry bodies on topics relating to sustainability and design for recycling, including RecyClass, The Circular Plastics Alliance, The Alliance to end Plastic Waste, and PCEP. He currently chairs the Recyclability by Design Committee for Recoup and the Jazz Recycling Committee for WRAP, and also participates in the OPRL Technical Advisory Board.

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