Bart Derde

CEO and Founder

KCD Ventures


Born in Belgium and educated in UK in Engineering, Bart started work with Unilever in 1991 in the European food business, working in plan source to make and deliver across the E2E of the supply chain in UK and the Netherlands. Moved to Reckitt in 2004 working in European household business then in Spain where he was responsible for the Iberian cluster and latterly to a Global role for the Health supply chain at Reckitt. Was part of all the big acquisitions into Health at Reckitt such as Mucinex, Durex, Nurofen, Strepsils, Paras and many others. Joined GSK/Haleon in 2018 to lead global supply chain and consolidated Consumer businesses of GSK/Pfizer and Novartis to then create Haleon and was part of the executive team who listed Haleon on FTSE and NYSE (biggest listing on FTSE in a decade with Value of over £40bn). Now runs his own business as CEO and invests in small businesses and as NED. Consults with PE and large multinationals and supports education of the next generation of executive leaders in Supply chain.

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