29-30 April 2025
Coventry Building Society Arena
Arvind Vijayabhaskar
Senior Consultant
Pharma Systems International Ltd t/a SeerPharmaUK
Arvind brings 23+ years of experience in the pharmaceutical industry to his consultancy role. He has been a Qualified Person (QP) by UK Permanent Provisions since 2011, and is also a Chartered Chemist, Chartered Scientist, Industrial Pharmacist and Responsible Person / Responsible Person (Import).
Arvind has extensive GxP auditing and inspection experience acting as lead auditor. In 2017, Arvind became an independent consultant and routinely prepares and delivers training programs on topics related to QP study guide modules and problem-solving scenarios.
Arvind has quality governance and leadership experience gained in multiple levels & types of organisation and in different cultures.
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