Clean and Green- Excipients

Time: 9:50 am - 10:10 am

Date: 29 April 2025

Theatre: Room A

29-april-2025 09:50 29-april-2025 10:10 Europe/London Clean and Green- Excipients

The importance of eco-friendly excipients in promoting sustainability within the pharmaceutical industry cannot be overstated. Traditional excipients, while effective, often come with significant environmental footprints due to their synthetic origins, the chemicals used in their production, and the energy-intensive manufacturing processes involved. These conventional practices can contribute to pollution, resource depletion, and other ecological issues…. Read more »

Making Pharmaceuticals


The importance of eco-friendly excipients in promoting sustainability within the pharmaceutical industry cannot be overstated. Traditional excipients, while effective, often come with significant environmental footprints due to their synthetic origins, the chemicals used in their production, and the energy-intensive manufacturing processes involved. These conventional practices can contribute to pollution, resource depletion, and other ecological issues.

July 2022, NHS the first health care system which has introduced the net zero into legislation. Which means by 2045 to reduce the zero carbon footprint on all medicines. In this presentation we will look at regular excipients vs sustainable excipients and how you can reduce your carbon footprint.


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