Freeze drying, also known as lyophilization, which is the removal of water, is widely used in pharmaceutical formulation for several key reasons: 1. it can enhance the stability of active ingredients that are sensitive to heat and moisture. 2. it can extend the shelf life of pharmaceuticals and enable easier storafge and transport. 3. it… Read more »
3PL companies need to comply with Good Distribution Practice regulations. This is being checked by the contract givers (typically the Marketing Authorisation Holders) through audits. There are different ways of performing these audits, e.g. questionnaires, remote / virtual audits or in person on site audits. Based on many years’ experience, the advantages or disadvantages, the… Read more »
The presentation will discuss the thermal modelling/simulation tools that are currently available and used to support analysis and testing within pharmaceutical temperature-controlled supply-chain. What considerations must be considered for model characterisation and accuracy. How thermal modelling/simulation is currently used and what could be potential uses in the future. Finally, a review of the benefits of… Read more »
We present 6 essential elements that go beyond the typical supplier or distributor approach, helping sales professionals excel and differentiate themselves 1. Know your Market dynamics 2. Build strong relationships 3.Leverage Technology 4. Be Flexible 5. Embrace Learning 6. React to setbacks positively
Radiopharmaceuticals play a crucial role in diagnosing and treating diseases like cancer. Given their short half-life, transporting these materials involves complex logistical challenges that demand swift delivery, rigorous safety protocols, and flawless execution. In his presentation, Peter Smith, Senior Vice President Life Couriers UK, will emphasize the importance of precise labelling, thorough documentation, and trained… Read more »
A presentation in general about what happens when companies fail to maintain quality, the risks to patients, the catastrophic risk to the companies (in many cases they have closed) and how you can protect yourself, patients and respond if things do go bad. Intending to include a section on the MHRA Inspection Action Group, and… Read more »
With global freight increasing and supply chain disruptions on the rise, the pressure on cold chain transportation has never been higher. Managing temperature-sensitive logistics can seem overwhelming, as a single misstep can result in product loss and financial disaster. However, with expert guidance, you can successfully navigate these challenges. John Coleman, Business Unit Director for… Read more »
An explanation of the ways criminals commonly attempt to infiltrate the supply chain. For example, through domain impersonation, WDA hijacking, supplying medicines which have knowingly been stored incorrectly/stolen, supplying products which are completely falsified and not manufactured to proper (or any!) standards. Despite being one of the most important responsibilities, not all attempts can be… Read more »
The NHS 2050 net zero target requires a fundamental rethink in most pharmaceutical manufacturing processes. While the benefits of single use systems are significant in sterile processing, the sourcing, manufacturing, distribution, use and disposal of the products ultimately results in an environmental impact. Taking a lifecycle view when re-designing our products is key to achieve… Read more »
This presentation explores labeling compliance strategies in the pharmaceutical industry, focusing on the critical role of automated proofreading to ensure labelling accuracy. Accurate labelling is essential for compliance with regulatory requirements, safeguarding patient safety, and preventing counterfeiting. Despite these important factors as well as the availability of automated proofreading tools, many Pharmaceutical companies are still… Read more »